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12 HeartMath® ToolsNew! for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced
By HeartMath Institute®
As a gesture of our care, we are gifting you our new e-Book, 12 HeartMath® Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced – downloadable in PDF, ePub and Mobi* formats.
We understand that we all are being challenged with highly stressful adjustments to situations that are disrupting the flow of our lives and feelings of safety. This e-Book is filled with 12 effective HeartMath tools and practices that are designed to help you learn to increase self-security through balance, clear thinking and heart-guided choices.
This guide can help us engage and activate our deeper heart qualities and encourage lift during these challenging times.
Table of Contents:
- Anchoring
- Attitude
- Coherent Communication
- Compassionate Latitude
- Dignity
- Ease
- Forgiveness
- Humility
- Love
- Objectivity
- Patience
- Stillness
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