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Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action A Live, HeartMath/Global Coherence Online Event Learn More

Request a Speaker

Speakers with HeartMath Institute (HMI) and the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) draw from extensive professional and personal experience and knowledge covering a wide range of human endeavor. They are uniquely qualified to speak to all audiences about the HeartMath System and HeartMath’s programs, services and global outreach.

Claire Shafe

HMI and GCI Event Coordinator Claire Shafe will be happy to assist you in arranging one of our speakers for your next conference, webinar, teleseminar or other event. Submit requests for your next event to Claire via any of the following means:

  • E-mail:
  • Telephone: (831)-338-8511
  • Fax: (831)-338-1182
  • Address:

    HeartMath Institute and Global Coherence Initiative
    14700 West Park Ave, Boulder Creek, CA 95006

Our Speakers …

Howard Martin

Howard Martin is one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath in 1991 and played a key role in launching the Global Coherence Initiative. A business leader, Martin has been a spokesperson for HeartMath around the world, speaking to and delivering training programs to Fortune 100 companies, government agencies and the U.S. military, schools and ecumenical organizations.

  • Executive vice president of HeartMath LLC, GCI Steering Committee member.
  • Gives approximately 75 interviews each year across all forms of media.
  • Speaks internationally on developing the new heart intelligence necessary for navigating life during these changing times and the importance of and techniques for creating global coherence.

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.

Rollin McCraty is an internationally known and respected scientist and researcher. He has been a leader with and instrumental in the creation and work of HeartMath Institute and the Global Coherence Initiative. McCraty’s research has been pivotal in developing the HeartMath System of tools and technology that help individuals and organizations improve health, performance and quality of life.

  • Director of research, HeartMath Institute, GCI Steering Committee member, Global Coherence Monitoring System project coordinator.
  • Gives numerous interviews each year across all forms of media.
  • Speaks internationally about the interconnectedness of all things, heart rate variability, heart intelligence, heart-brain interactions/communications and the relationship between human cognition, behavior and health and geomagnetic, solar and other forces.

Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.

Deborah Rozman was founding executive director of HeartMath Institute. A psychologist, she has helped develop, oversee and conducted HeartMath training programs since its inception and is a key spokesperson for the HeartMath System globally. Rozman has spoken to and trained Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and the U.S. military, scientific and health conferences, schools, etc.

  • President/CEO of HeartMath Inc. and Quantum Intech (HeartMath’s parent company), member of the HeartMath Institute Scientific Advisory Board and GCI Steering Committee.
  • Gives approximately 75 interviews each year across all forms of media.
  • Speaks about the heart’s role in stress management, resilience, health and performance, heart-coherence technology and the current shift in global consciousness.

Jeff Goelitz

Jeff Goelitz has been with HeartMath Institute for two decades, practicing and teaching the HeartMath System, serving as a senior trainer and helping develop core programs and materials. He has consulted with educational professionals in the U.S. and Canada on reducing student stress, improving classroom climate and performance and the need for children to have social and emotional learning skills.

  • HeartMath Institute stress solutions expert and education specialist.
  • Speaks to a variety of organizations about proven methods for lowering stress and to educational and youth services organizations about improving children’s academic performance, behavior and social skills.