HeartMath Resilience Programs for the Military
HeartMath resilience training programs incorporate research-based self-regulation techniques and technologies that reduce symptoms of operational stress and promote sustained resilience. Benefits also include improved mental and physical performance, focus and enhanced decision-making in adverse environments, heightened situational awareness and reduction in the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of operational stress.
The techniques HeartMath teaches are intentionally designed to be simple, easy-to-use and adaptable to virtually any culture, setting or age group, regardless of religious belief or background.
The Resilience Advantage™—Building Stress Resilience and Optimizing Performance
The Resilience Advantage training helps service members build character, strength and resilience. As military personnel learn to “take charge” of and self-regulate their mental, emotional and physical energy, they are better able to handle stress reactions and develop more intelligent approaches to self-managing and renewing energy. As people increase their energy reserves, they can more easily prepare for stressful events and establish a cushion that prepares and protects them from the damaging effects of many common stressors. This enables them to perform at their best and sustain greater balance and operational readiness for deployment and day-to-day challenges.
Practicing the self-regulation and resilience-building techniques helps service members:
Resilience Advantage training programs can be tailored to suit tactical training windows. Introductory content can be delivered in two- or four-hour workshops. More thorough training can be delivered over one, two or three days. Programs can be delivered by HeartMath or certified military trainers. To learn more details for the Resilience Advantage training , click here.
For more Information, send an email to bkabaker@heartmath.org or call (831) 338-8759.
Building Personal Resilience™ HeartMath’s Coach/Mentor Program
The Coach/Mentor Program is especially well-suited for support staff such as health educators in military resilience and family wellness centers. Building Personal Resilience gives staff a powerful set of tools to utilize in their initiatives for improving health and prevention strategies and personal performance.
Unit leaders who complete this program learn skills that are effective for mentoring the men and women in their units and ensuring their success in using HeartMath’s resilience and energy-regulation techniques and sustaining their benefits.
Service members who take charge of their mental, emotional and physical energy experience a host of benefits, including increased:
The tools and techniques taught in this program also have been shown to reduce:
To learn more details for the HeartMath’s Coach/Mentor Program, click here.
For more Information, send an email to bkabaker@heartmath.org or call (831) 338-8759.
Health Professional Certification Program
HeartMath Interventions with emWave® Self-regulation Technology
The HeartMath Interventions Certification Program is designed for doctors, nurses, psychologists, counselors, social workers, therapists and other health-care professionals who want to add HeartMath tools and emWave technology into their clinical work with service members, veterans and their families. Health-care professionals who use the self-regulation techniques, protocols and technologies taught in the program guide service members and veterans in establishing a new physiological baseline that leads to sustainable perceptual, attitudinal and behavioral changes.
These easy-to-use, evidence-based tools, techniques and technologies have proven to be effective for a variety of emotional, mental and physical challenges. Regular use of emWave technology and the self-regulation tools has led to significant benefits stemming from stress reduction in military personnel with PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety, anger, depression, sleeplessness, panic disorders, irritability, mood disturbances, impulse control and substance abuse.
HeartMath’s research-based system of scientifically validated tools and technologies promotes internal awareness, self-regulation and emotion management. Your patients will learn how to regulate their nervous systems and develop valuable inner resources, self-regulation and self-responsibility.
This program includes effective treatment protocols for stress-related symptoms of trauma, PTSD, traumatic brain injury and more. It is used in numerous military facilities, veterans medical centers, PTSD clinics and substance-abuse and behavioral-health programs.
HeartMath Interventions Helps:
To learn more details for the HeartMath Interventions Program, click here.
For more Information, send an email to bkabaker@heartmath.org or call (831) 338-8759
H.E.A.R.T.™ HeartMath Education And Resilience Training™ Mini-Course
Free for veterans, active duty service members and spouses
The H.E.A.R.T. mini-course incorporates research-based self-regulation techniques and technologies that have been shown to increase personal resilience, mental focus and personal performance and decision-making. The presentation features Retired Army Maj. Robert A. Bradley and HeartMath Institute Research Director Dr. Rollin McCraty, who discuss the unique challenges facing veterans and service members and practical steps for taking charge of their mental, emotional and physical systems. Click here for free course access.