Léon Marchand French Gold Medal Swimmer Enhances Performance Using Heart Coherence Technique
Léon Marchand, four-time gold medalist in swimming at the 2024 Olympics, didn’t achieve success overnight. He has been preparing mentally for competitions for two years.
Among other techniques, his performance coach, Thomas Sammut, taught him Heart Coherence to help him manage his stress and anxiety during competitions. Together, they worked on his well- being with the goal of improving his athletic performance and chances of success.
By using Heart Coherence, Léon Marchand takes control of his mind and body. He lowers his levels of cortisol (a stress hormone), and increases his levels of DHEA (a rejuvenation hormone). He also helps his body rebalance and repair itself after competition. In this way, he reduces the risk of fatigue, exhaustion and injury. And, another piece of advice he received from Sammut was to manage his emotional state. The swimmer repeats the word ‘Fun’ in his mind before starting a heat.
But Heart Coherence isn’t just for world-class athletes – it can benefit everyone. The state of Heart Coherence can easily be achieved by slow-paced breathing and also by the activation of positive feelings.
With heart!
The HeartMath Europe Team
From HeartMath Europe
(A consortium of trainers and business people from different countries)