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The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding

The Energetic Heart Is Unfolding

271,419 Views = 46

Consider the amazing human heart, the organ that pumps life-giving oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies on a precise schedule. Now researchers are learning that this marvelous machine, the size of a fist and weighing on average less than 10 ounces, also possess a level of intelligence they are only beginning to understand. Evidence shows the heart also plays a greater role in our mental, emotional and physical processes than previously thought.

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HMI Blog HeartMath techniques, Techonolgy Aid military Couple

HeartMath Techniques, Technology Aid Military Couple

6,451 Views = 6

HeartMath Techniques, Technology Aid Military Couple

The physical dangers and mental and emotional stress that the nation's servicemen and women face in Iraq, Afghanistan and other trouble spots are well chronicled daily in the press. The hardships of those they leave behind garner far less attention, though they can be equally stressful and lead to chronic anxiety, depression and other illnesses as well as threaten family stability.

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Resilience Picks You Up, Keeps You Going

Resilience Picks You Up, Keeps You Going

9,585 Views = 3

From childhood through our golden years, we all are bound to experience our share of challenges – mentally, physically and emotionally. Life’s filled with them, and It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor, where we come from or what we believe. Personally or through our relationships, we all are touched by life’s challenges.

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Pets: Making a Connection That’s Healthy for Humans

Pets: Making a Connection That’s Healthy for Humans

24,075 Views = 4

Pets: Making a Connection That’s Healthy for Humans

We feed them, groom them and sometimes even dress them. We coddle them in a multitude of ways, taking great pains to make sure they are healthy and worry when they are not. When they pass on, the loss for many is as profound as any other. Perhaps we do so much for our pets because, according to a variety of sources, they do so much for us.

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9 Ways to Ease Your Money

Nine Ways to Ease Your Money Worries

17,785 Views = 7

Feel a knot in your stomach when you sit down to pay the bills each month? Wake up in the middle of the night wondering how or when you'll ever get out of debt? Do helplessness and hopelessness set in when you read the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer? Does it anger you that average working wages inch up in tiny increments, that the cost of living is on the rise and interest rates likely will soon follow?

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