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Knotion: Knowledge in Action, Learning for Life

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Knotion: Knowledge in Action, Learning for Life

Mexico’s Knotion, a leading EdTech company with a nearly five-year partnership with the HeartMath Institute, has established itself as one of the world’s most innovative learning ecosystems. Their challenge-based approach empowers learners to become agents of positive change. Equipped with iPads, students become very engaged when tackling real-world challenges that address community and global goals. The result is increased socio-environmental awareness and responsibility from a young age.

Knotion - Knowledge in Action

Serving more than 300 schools (mostly private) and 90,000 K-12 learners throughout Latin America, Knotion’s community encompasses 250,000 people.

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The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

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Special Care Focus: The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

Welcome to the Special Care Focus: The Global Field Environment – Why Love Matters. Every Wednesday in July, August, and September 2024, we invite you to participate in this special care focus. Join us at any time that suits you, or synchronize your participation with others around the world at these three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours). To connect with others, please join us on the Global Coherence App.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

The Global Field Environment: Why Love Matters

Ilya Prigogine, physicist, chemist, and Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, demonstrated that "when a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to lift the system to a higher order."

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Putting Love into Action

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Special Care Focus: Putting Love into Action

Welcome to the Special Care Focus – Putting Love into Action. In order for everyone around the world to participate in a synchronized Care Focus, on Wednesday, May and June 2024, participate anytime you can or participate with others at these three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*. Please join with others on the Global Coherence App. We will do a special care focus every Wednesday.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

Putting Love into Action

We are all deeply affected by the suffering of people from the wars in Gaza, Israel and Ukraine, and the armed conflicts in Darfur, Haiti and elsewhere. Our deepest compassion goes out to all who are enduring violence, displacement, famine, and fear.

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Teen Scientist Develops Revolutionary Sepsis Diagnostic Test with HRV Integration

2,759 Views = 8

Teen Scientist Develops Revolutionary Sepsis Diagnostic Test with HRV Integration

Meet Sai Sangeetha Balaji, a high schooler from the Houston area who is making herself known in the world of science! We met Sai through her mother, Malathy Muthu, also a scientist, who is currently working with HeartMath’s research team on various citizen science projects.

When Sai shared her own groundbreaking research project with us, we jumped at the opportunity to learn more about the person behind the innovation. And what we learned about her bright mind and wise heart, we are excited to share.

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Teen Survey Results Are In!

2,351 Views = 3

Teen Survey Results Are In!

We recently conducted a survey to better understand teenage mental health and well-being, aiming to eventually create a virtual support space for teens. We especially wanted to hear directly from teenagers and from those close to teens. The overall response has humbled us, and the input has better informed us. In the 96 surveys completed, your feedback showed some common perspectives and concerns and perhaps one very strong takeaway for our own reassurance.

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Out with the Old / In with the New

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Out with the Old / In with the New

Out with the old / In with the new is a continuous journey of discovery and transformation. It’s how we can create a new and better life. Within the process of moving from old to new, many of us are experiencing old issues we thought were healed or cleared coming up again. This is natural, especially during times of accelerated change in society. Rather than feeling discouraged, there is a more hopeful view. We can see these as traces of old patterns we no longer need coming up for more complete clearing. And here’s the best news: As old issues get cleared, this creates room for new heart-based perspectives and guidance to come in, which we all need in today’s times of intensity and change.

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Unveiling the Global Consciousness Project 2.0: A Journey Towards Unity and Understanding

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Unveiling the Global Consciousness Project 2.0: A Journey Towards Unity and Understanding

What is the Global Consciousness Project 2.0?

The Global Consciousness Project 2.0 (GCP 2.0) is a research-based journey into understanding the depths of our connection with the world around us. By delving into the intricate relationship between individual and global consciousness, the project seeks to explain how our shared experiences and intentions can shape our world – even helping to bridge divides and promote greater care and well-being globally.

As we examine the impacts of large-scale emotional events and collective heart-focused meditations on the global consciousness field, it encourages us to ponder our own capacity to influence positive change on a grand scale and inspires us to envision a world where our collective heart-based intentions pave the way for a brighter future for humanity.

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Exploring the Little Brain in the Heart: A Journey Into Heart-Brain Communication

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Exploring the Little Brain in the Heart: A Journey Into Heart-Brain Communication

Introduction: Unveiling the Heart’s Mysteries

Did you know that the heart, often thought of merely as a pump, has a brain of its own? This remarkable idea, backed by neurocardiologists and numerous scientists, underscores a more profound communication between the heart and the brain than previously understood. In 1991, Dr. J. Andrew Armour introduced the groundbreaking concept of the "heart brain."

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Moving More Love Through Our System

3,129 Views = 5

Special Care Focus: Moving More Love Through Our System

Welcome to the Special Care Focus – Moving More Love Through Our System. In order for everyone around the world to participate in a synchronized Care Focus, on Wednesday, January, February and March 2024, we have chosen three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours)*. Please join with others on the Global Coherence App. We will do a special care focus every Wednesday.

Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.

Moving More Love Through Our System

Life seems to be calling for humanity to understand the intelligence of love – what we call heart intelligence. Everyone talks about love and wants love, but understanding love and the heart has remained a mystery for most people.

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Children Adding Heart to the World

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Special Care Focus: Children Adding Heart to the World

Welcome to the Special Care Focus – Children Adding Heart to the World on Monday November 20, 2023, anytime. The HeartMath® Institute invites you to Connect and Add Heart for Children Around the World.

If you want to particapte with others around the world on the Global Coherence App, we have chosen three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*.

Thank you for joining this Special Care Focus for the United Nations World Children’s Day.

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