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Life According to Your ‘Heart Blueprint’

31,834 Views = 10

Now and then we all take a moment to look at the life we are living and daydream about how our futures will look. So, take one of those moments right now, and rather than "thinking" about what the future might look like based on your life as it is now, do the following:

Look as deeply as you can into your heart and visualize the future you've always truly desired, the one that fills your heart with joy whenever you imagine it.

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Personality and Heart Rate Variability

Personality and Heart Rate Variability

14,505 Views = 6

Research shows how intimately the heart is involved in the processes and proper functioning of the human body. Therefore, even the nonscientist might easily accept the premise that certain aspects of heart rhythms can be indicators of general health. Now, a recent study suggests that personality can be a useful barometer as well.

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Effectiveness With Diverse Groups of Youth

Effectiveness With Diverse Groups of Youth

9,054 Views = 4

Editor's note: Clemson University has offered experiential education to South Carolina youth since 1934. Clemson's Youth Learning Institute (YLI) has played a vital role in the university's rich heritage in youth development, and currently serves more than 130,000 people through some 190 programs annually. YLI partners with numerous organizations to deliver its programs and has a licensing agreement to utilize HeartMath training, tools and technology. Marking the 10 years in YLI and HeartMath’s relationship, HeartMath Institute Director of Research Dr. Rollin McCraty recently discussed the partnership and future plans.

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46,086 Views = 8

If there is one word you should add to your vocabulary today, tomorrow or soon, it is coherence. All the research shows that when you have it, your life can be so much better than when you don’t. Add coherence to your personal lexicon, learn how to achieve it and experience the benefits within yourself and your environment.

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