Special Care Focus: Increasing Our Capacity to Love
Welcome to the Special Care Focus: Increasing Our Capacity to Love. Every Wednesday in January, February, and March 2025, we invite you to participate in this special care focus. Join us at any time that suits you, or synchronize your participation with others around the world at these three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 8 hours). In the Global Coherence App* you can do the Care Focus with others.
Let’s start by connecting in the heart with everyone participating in the Care Focus and radiating love and appreciation to each other.
This Care Focus is a little longer as it includes a Reset exercise for the New Year. If you prefer, you can move right to the Care Focus meditation.
Dare to Love
Love expressed as compassion, kindness, care, gratitude, patience, forgiveness, and more – is the next level of active intelligence for humanity’s survival and fulfillment. During these turbulent times, we need to remind ourselves how important it is to dare to love in the face of uncertainty – to release judgments and blame and reduce fear. It’s also critical to remember there’s a Planetary Shift going on, where limiting beliefs and structures are being released so that new awareness can come in.
At this time in history, a grand opportunity is unfolding for people to choose love for creating beneficial changes for themselves and humanity. People across the planet are recognizing the need to practice the qualities of love if we are to get along with each other and reduce separation. This requires our personal commitment to be kinder, more caring, and compassionate. The global heart is awakening to the intelligence and necessity of choosing love. We’ve put love on a pedestal for years, but now our hearts and the planet are calling for us to take it to the street in our day-to-day interactions.
The Intelligence of Love
The intelligence of love can be accessed as we pause and go to stillness, activate a heart quality, such as compassion, care, gratitude, patience, forgiveness, etc., and then ask our heart’s intuitive guidance for an appropriate next step that’s best for all concerned. When we practice bringing love into action, it progressively aligns us with our spirit to create from the higher vibration of who we truly are. We all have this capacity within us, and it’s becoming more accessible now if we pitch in with our heart-based commitment.
It’s time to realize that Love is not just about "doing the good" – it’s a higher vibration of active intelligence. Love is our smartest move for personal and collective energy economy. Love and caring more for each other are quickly becoming the only move left that can turn around the accelerating planetary stress – accrued from continuous judgments, blame, and separation.
Each heart quality (compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and more) is power-packed with transformational heart energy that can pave the way to our personal empowerment. Our genuine practice steps up our heart’s intuitive guidance, which brings us much better choices and directions than our frustrated minds and overloaded emotions can provide. This enables us to move through good times or tougher times with our heads held high while loving our way forward.
Practicing heart qualities especially helps to power up our commitments to make changes in areas we thought we couldn’t – and have more acceptance and inner peace with what we can’t yet change.
Now is an important time for resetting and lifting our baseline vibration with the power of the heart. We can use the energy of the New Year to reset with an exercise that builds more heart energy into our system. This can significantly help offset mental and emotional energy depletion from stressors that can pop up during these transitioning times.
Reset Exercise
We can reset our system if we commit a month to practicing one or two heart qualities several days in a row, then add one or more heart qualities to practice the next several days, and so forth. This is similar to practices we’ve suggested before. Doing this Reset exercise with meaningfulness to start the New Year will build up your heart energy and raise your baseline vibration, which is greatly needed for balance and clarity through these transitional times.
For example, you may want to start by intentionally practicing kindness and appreciation with people you interact with for a few days. Then, in the next few days, add on practicing compassion and patience with people you feel separate from. Approach them with compassionate latitude in your heart, realizing they are probably doing the best they can based on their stress overload. You can do this in your meditations if you don’t see them in person. A few days later, you might want to also add forgiveness to your practice, forgiving another or yourself. It doesn’t matter which heart qualities we choose – it’s our genuine practice of them that accumulates heart power and deepens our connection with our inner guidance.
Practicing this Reset exercise for a month builds our strength and resilience while increasing our love and intuition for sorting through challenges – instead of defaulting to predictable, draining reactions. As you practice, imagine you are installing the heart qualities to replace unwanted feelings and attitudes that are not who you truly are. Doing this will help you bypass many stress-producing perceptions that create worry, anxiety, brain fog, depression, and, finally, burnout.
Many people have shared that doing this Reset exercise for a month is what gave them the power to remember to use their heart as they move through life’s interactions.
Knowing that others are doing this Reset at the same time adds energy to help us follow through for a month. It empowers us to reset our commitments when we start to fade. Together, we can be more effective than we may think in helping love go viral to support a transformation of planetary consciousness.
Care Focus: Increasing Our Capacity to Love
Breathe Love and go to stillness in the heart. Breathe more slowly and deeply. On the in-breath, imagine breathing in divine love. On the out-breath, radiate love and gratitude through all your cells.
Doing this elevates your spirit and helps to bring your heart, mind, emotions, and body into coherent alignment and stillness. This creates an energetic conduit for intuitive guidance and love to move through your day-to-day interactions.
- Now, with feeling, see yourself practicing heart qualities, such as compassion, care, gratitude, patience, etc., to increase your capacity to love and sustain your commitments.
- Now, see more people across the planet practicing kindness, compassion, patience, connection, and other heart qualities to help reduce separation and polarization on the planet and the stress that comes with that.
- Let’s close by radiating our love and compassionate care to all people and nations suffering from wars, trauma, natural disasters, and other major stressors as your heart guides you.
Thank you for your participation in this Care Focus
Thank you for Caring.
- Learn more about the Global Coherence App, Synchronized Care Focus events and to how to download the app.
The following website – https://timeanddate.com/s/33sd – is a time conversion site for determining the exact time the Care Focus will take place in your Local Time Zone.
- Select Time: 8 p.m. (date optional).
- Convert from: Location: USA – California – San Francisco.
- Convert to: Location: (Select your Country/City).
Please feel free to share this Special Care Focus with anyone in your life you feel may benefit.
We would love to hear from you!
Please share with us your thoughts, feelings or experiences in the comments below.