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Category Archives: HeartMath Tools & Techniques

Today's Stress Is Different

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Today’s Stress Is Different

National Geographic Magazine’s June 2024 lead article* reports that the perceived level of psychological stress has risen dramatically across the globe due to a combination of factors: the COVID pandemic, climate change, environmental disasters, economic uncertainty, the escalation of political instability across nations, constant news about gun violence, terrorism, wars, and other threats. The article goes on to say, "the consequences of this broadscale increase in stress are only beginning to be appreciated, but the evidence suggests that we are facing a second pandemic of mood and anxiety disorders, including major depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)."

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Out with the Old / In with the New

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Out with the Old / In with the New

Out with the old / In with the new is a continuous journey of discovery and transformation. It’s how we can create a new and better life. Within the process of moving from old to new, many of us are experiencing old issues we thought were healed or cleared coming up again. This is natural, especially during times of accelerated change in society. Rather than feeling discouraged, there is a more hopeful view. We can see these as traces of old patterns we no longer need coming up for more complete clearing. And here’s the best news: As old issues get cleared, this creates room for new heart-based perspectives and guidance to come in, which we all need in today’s times of intensity and change.

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Inner Stillness red sun and rocks blog

Inner Stillness

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Inner Stillness

Many spiritual cultures agree inner stillness creates an energetic environment for supporting our advancing consciousness that can unleash the transformational power of our love.

HeartMath tools and coherence technologies have been designed to monitor and facilitate easier access to stillness and its connection to the natural inner wisdom and guidance of our heart.

A coherent alignment between our spiritual heart, mind and emotions can lead to a new way of perceiving, thinking and relating. When practicing heart coherence, we experience a distinct quieting of the inner noise generated by the normal stream of unregulated mental and emotional activity. When you’re in a still coherent state, your nervous system is more aligned, your hormonal and immune systems are getting rebalanced, and your mind and emotions are connecting with more of your spirit’s practical guidance.

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Importance of Anchoring Your Insights man

The Importance of Anchoring Your Insights

16,048 Views = 18

The Importance of Anchoring Your Insights Acting on Intuitive Inspirations and Insights Before the Initial Energy Fades

Global stress is on the rise. Waves of emotional turbulence modulate throughout the planet, resulting from our collective emotional responses to droughts, floods, hunger, world stage instability and on. These stress waves get powerfully stirred and amplified by the media, which sustains a collective uneasiness that can dampen how we think, feel, and respond to life’s interactions – especially on the emotional level. The internal turbulence caused by these waves of stress can be offset.

We can help with this by getting into a quiet space and asking our heart daily to draw to us inspirations, tools and common-sense insights for reducing our stress. We often get inspirations and intentions to use certain techniques we already know that could help prevent and reduce our stress load. Yet it is easy to fall short of grounding them via practice.

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Ease - An Active, Calm Way of Being

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Ease – An Active, Calm Way of Being

The state of ease is a highly regenerative state that helps us flow more easily through challenges and builds our resilience capacity. It is not merely a state of relaxation. It is characterized by a balance between the mind and emotions, which allows us to access a sense of inner stillness and make intelligent choices while on the move.

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The Cares of the World –Overcare into Balanced Care boy blog

The Cares of the World – How to Transform Your Overcare into Balanced Care

17,188 Views = 19

The Cares of the World – How to Transform Your Overcare into Balanced Care

The world needs our care now more than ever, and these days there is so much to care for – a pet, work, or our family, health and the planet. But, how do we deeply care without depleting our energy? What does it really mean to have balanced care? What happens when that care turns to overcare – when we excessively worry, over-identify or have anxiety about the object of our care? Overcare is easy to fall into because of its stealthy way of making us feel that we are caring more when worry is added. This is not the case.

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Raise your vibration with Appreciation and Compassion two girls blog

Raise Your Vibration With Appreciation and Compassion

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Raise Your Vibration With Appreciation and Compassion

Practicing genuine appreciation and compassion raises our heart’s vibrations.

“When our vibrations are up … we respond to stressful situations with soundness, resilience and clearer discernment. We are less vulnerable to frustration, impatience, anger, anxiety, and we feel more self-secure and less critical of others and of ourselves. We are drawn to notice nature, flowers and trees that we usually sleep-walk past, as our preoccupations rob us of this gift of conscious connection.”

Doc Childre, HeartMath founder
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How A Pause Can Save The Day

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How A Pause Can Save The Day

From time to time, we all need to take pause, a brief stillness, a moment to review "our initial reaction so we can move to the place where a calm, thoughtful response is born." L.R. Knost

Through hindsight, we often realize how much stress we could have prevented by pausing to reconsider our choices before taking action. Many of us have learned this lesson many times over: for example, sometimes our heart nudges us to take a pause before releasing an angered response to an e-mail and we don’t listen. We mechanically press send and often second-guess ourselves the minute we click the mouse.

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Inner dignity blog

Inner Dignity: Yours to Nurture

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Inner Dignity: Yours to Nurture

A water carrier in a desert land who is always pleasant and never brash; a working mother who never complains. What is it in our makeup that drives us to persevere in virtually any circumstance? What makes us get up, dust ourselves off and move forward regardless of failure, disappointment and a host of other emotions that might seem to otherwise drag us down? It’s our inner dignity that is the primary motivator for these self-empowered actions.

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