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Category Archives: Articles of the Heart

An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

An Appreciative Heart is Good Medicine

49,321 Views = 44

Psychologists once maintained that emotions were purely mental expressions generated by the brain alone. We now know this is not true. Emotions have as much to do with the heart and body as they do with the brain. Of all your body’s organs, it is the heart, a growing number of scientists theorize, that plays perhaps the most important role in our emotional experience. What we experience as an emotion is the result of the brain, heart, and body acting in concert.

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From the Mouths of Babes

From the Mouths of Babes

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People from many places and walks of life have shared stories with the HeartMath Institute over the years about their emWave® experiences. Each one reinforces IHM’s commitment to its mission of helping to establish heart-based living and global coherence by inspiring people to connect with the intelligence and guidance of their own hearts.

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Global Coherence Initiative

Global Coherence Initiative

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Those who’ve followed the Global Coherence Initiative since its launch in summer 2008 know that while much remains to be done in the years ahead, a great deal already has been accomplished in the project’s infancy. Early indications are that a great number of people around the world are committed to planetary harmony and healing.

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Returning Combat Veterans Use HeartMath Technology

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Licensed clinical social worker Travis Slonecker works at the Fort Knox Army installation in Kentucky, where he is a civilian contractor working with returned combat veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). He related an experience in which HeartMath technology, provided through the HMI’s Military Service Appreciation Initiative, was able to help one particular soldier in a unique way.

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Shift and Shine® Prepares Children For Life

Shift and Shine Prepares Children For Life

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Children: Don't you just love them! So joyful, caring, appreciative and openhearted. Whether you are 6 or 60, these are qualities to be cherished and admired. What parent does not wish to nurture such qualities as they watch their children grow?

The HeartMath Institute shares this wish, and during its many years of scientific research into human stress and emotions has established that these qualities children so naturally possess have the power to transform our lives. Like you, we see in our children the hope of the future, and we have studied extensively ideas for nurturing these positive qualities of the heart in young children.

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Women’s Volleyball Team Serves Up Court Lock-In

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Members of the women's volleyball team at Azusa Pacific University shouted and flashed plenty of the usual signals during a close game in the fall of 2007, but a peculiar one proved to be their secret weapon that day.

"Link up, link up!" the players on the sideline yelled to their teammates out on the court. Everybody on the team knew the meaning of this verbal admonition: Time for a Quick Coherence®.

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Overcare: Make sure Your Care is Helping Not Hurting

Overcare – Make Sure Your Care is Helping, Not Hurting

26,609 Views = 21

"Care is love in action," HeartMath Institute founder Doc Childre once said. The capacity to care in human beings and other living creatures is an expression of love that is marvelous to behold.

HMI has cautioned for many years about the importance of balancing the care we feel or experience for family, friends and others in our lives, at the workplace and in issues related to our communities and the world.

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