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Category Archives: Articles of the Heart

Independent European Studies Show Promise for Coherence Training in New Areas of Mental Illnesses

Independent European Studies Show Promise for Coherence Training in New Areas of Mental Illnesses

19,146 Views = 7

Two 2015 pilot studies conducted independently in neighboring European nations shared similar objectives and reached similar conclusions about the potential benefits of cardiac coherence training for two populations of mentally disabled patients. One of the studies used HeartMath emotion self-regulation techniques as a primary intervention.

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Inner Peace Through Inner Ease Blog

Inner Peace Through Inner Ease

26,498 Views = 6

Inner Peace Through Inner Ease

We hope and pray to find peace in our lives when we are challenged by the trials that come our way. We seek to reach agreements for lasting peace between people and nations. We desire peace for ourselves and between all people and all nations.

We can help co-create an energetic field of peace as we choose peace within our own hearts. People around the world are joining together online to concentrate their efforts for world peace. The Global Care Room anonline room is a place to take a little extra time to become more peaceful within and radiate it out to the world.

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Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulations Emotions Blog

Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions

45,515 Views = 12

Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions

"The subjective experience of trauma is unique and varies according to the individual and the type of trauma. What does not vary is the fact that trauma often results in a devastating intrusion into a wished for life of peace, calm and well-being along with a corresponding unexpected and undesired fragmented sense of self and of life in general." – Abstract of a research article by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Maria A Zayas Ph.D., published September 2014 in Frontiers in Psychology magazine

There are various schools of trauma therapy, for achieving the "wished-for life of peace, calm and well-being" referred to in the quote. A fast emerging, though not entirely new, approach is training trauma victims how to better self-regulate their thoughts and emotions.

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The Heart - An Agent of Transformation Blog article

The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

31,604 Views = 9

The Heart – An Agent of Transformation

It is no secret that our world is changing fast. As you face this period of accelerated change, do you feel you have the tools you need to deal with and adjust to all that is happening?

Historically, there is evidence the heart could help us navigate the ever-shifting terrain we experience daily. HeartMath Institute’s research shows the heart possesses a unique intelligence that can help you adjust to accelerating change. When you access this intelligence, you will have more clarity and power to quickly clear away unwanted thoughts and feelings and adjust to rapid change with confidence.

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Making of Emotions Blog article

The Making of Emotions

63,172 Views = 23

The Making of Emotions

Your emotions – Things happen, you engage in conversation, attempt to do something, go someplace. Feelings arise and you often feel them in your body. Sound about right? Pretty simple.

Except it turns out that emotions, and where and how they originate, are not simple at all. For nearly all of human history, emotions have been the subject of much debate among scientists, HeartMath Institute (HMI) Research Director Dr. Rollin McCraty writes in his scientific monograph, Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions.

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Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be blog article

Heart Hologramming Who You Want to Be

53,657 Views = 31

ho-lo-gram — a three-dimensional image created by directing two coherent light sources such as a lazer, a source beam and reference beam, through a two-dimensional image.

Heart Ho-lo-gram-ming — a practice in which an individual sincerely focuses/directs spirit and heart intelligence to the heart's true intent — likened to a hologram — to actualize it.

Would any of the following be desirable in your life? a. Wake up each morning knowing that when this day is done, I will be happier, healthier and smarter? b. No matter what happens in my life, I will see the good in everything and everyone? c. I will do one beautiful thing to help our planet each day for the rest of my life?

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