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Category Archives: Personal Development

The Appreciation in Awe blog

The Appreciation in Awe

12,799 Views = 13

The ‘Appreciation’ in Awe

From Thanksgiving through January many people report feeling a lift from an increased sense of appreciation and gratitude, while sometimes mixed with a sense of awe. The experience of awe often happens when our focused appreciation hits a tipping point.

We don’t have to wait for this time of year to increase our appreciation and awe and the mental, emotional and physical health benefits. We just have to remember to do it – and how intelligent it is to do so. Genuine appreciation is one of the easiest ways to release our heart energy – which is a missing piece in why much of the world can’t seem to get along with each other. Our individual contributions can eventually change this picture. View appreciation as an application of free health and wellbeing for all concerned.

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Heart Humility

Heart Humility

55,675 Views = 30

Heart Humility

Heart humility – that is, knowing who we truly are and accepting our strengths with gratitude, our limitations without judgment and the world around us with appreciation – is a powerful and attainable quality. Heart humility can help us to walk through this world with confidence, integrity and wisdom.

Heart humility does not require reserve or timid postures in our interactions with others, but rather a quietness in our being, a quiet knowingness of who we are. Heart humility is being honest with ourselves and others, and expressing our gratitude and respect for all involved.

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Try a Little Kindness blog

Try a Little Kindness

33,396 Views = 16

Try a Little Kindness

Everyone loves that warm heart feeling they get when they do something kind for another. It's wonderful, right? Did you know kind acts – even secret ones – can do wonders for your physical, mental and emotional health? And there’s another curious thing about kindness: It’s uniquely contagious, kindness researchers say.

A study conducted among students at the University of British Columbia found that performing acts of kindness can help lower people's social anxiety, which often leads to negative self-beliefs and behaviors.

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Stress is on the Rise - Take Action!

Stress Is on the Rise: Take Action!

23,258 Views = 8

Stress Is on the Rise: Take Action!

Editor’s note: Besides discussing the rise of stress in the U.S., this article provides a few suggestions for not only weathering increasing stress, but also taking action to reduce and prevent it.

Feeling more anxious, frustrated or angry in recent months? You are not alone. Stress among Americans is on the rise, say those who monitor people’s emotional responses to political and other events. Continue reading

Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love blog

Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love

92,307 Views = 25

Raising Our Vibration Through Compassion and Unconditional Love

It’s becoming clearer to many of us that working together with kindness, compassion and acceptance are the missing pieces for resetting humanity’s fast and furious trajectory into separation and division. It’s also becoming obvious that we cannot create solutions from the same consciousness level that’s creating the problems. Raising our consciousness vibration for drawing peaceful solutions is an undertaking that calls for kindness, forgiveness and an inclusive love that respects our differences.

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Heart Qualities For Re-Setting Our Lives

44,842 Views = 18

Heart Qualities For Re-Setting Our Lives

Increasing numbers of people are commenting about a heightened attunement in their hearts and minds, to the need for increasing their care, kindness and willingness to co-create peacefully. People are feeling that the timing for heart-based cooperation is in alignment with the changes Earth and humanity are experiencing. Many of us believe that the global waves of chaos and tension can be repurposed into expanding our collective awareness of the need for unconditional love to help resolve our differences.

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Life According to Your ‘Heart Blueprint’

31,824 Views = 10

Now and then we all take a moment to look at the life we are living and daydream about how our futures will look. So, take one of those moments right now, and rather than "thinking" about what the future might look like based on your life as it is now, do the following:

Look as deeply as you can into your heart and visualize the future you've always truly desired, the one that fills your heart with joy whenever you imagine it.

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