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Category Archives: The Math of HeartMath

Heart-Based Living Blog

Heart-Based Living

31,307 Views = 14

Heart-Based Living

What does HeartMath mean by the term, Heart-Based Living?

Heart-Based Living is only a convenient reference term which implies the practice of qualifying our thoughts, feelings and actions through our heart for more effective choices and guidance. Some people prefer the terms, Heart-Focused Living, or Heart-Centered Living. All of these terms suit the purpose – it’s just a matter of individual choice.

The important point is that many people are sharing that they are being encouraged more to "follow their heart" as a result of practicing Heart-Based living.

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46,070 Views = 8

If there is one word you should add to your vocabulary today, tomorrow or soon, it is coherence. All the research shows that when you have it, your life can be so much better than when you don’t. Add coherence to your personal lexicon, learn how to achieve it and experience the benefits within yourself and your environment.

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What is Intuition?

What is Intuition?

26,096 Views = 25

Intuition is the process of perceiving or knowing something without conscious reasoning: knowledge of events such as an act of nature that has yet to happen; or knowledge of a distant material object such as an unseen obstruction blocking the highway ahead. Researchers with the HeartMath Institute and many others who have conducted numerous controlled and scientifically validated studies over more than half a century have expanded the definition of intuition to include not only conscious perception by the mind alone, but also by the body’s entire psycho- physiological system. This unconscious perception often is evidenced by subtle changes in emotions and measurable physiological changes that can be detected throughout the body, according to the study Electrophysiological Evidence of IntuitionPart 1 and Part 2, McCraty, Atkinson and Bradley, 2004.

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HMI Blog Heart Brain Interactions

Heart-Brain Interactions

42,839 Views = 9

What do researchers mean when they talk about heart-brain interactions?

Researchers with the HeartMath Institute and other entities have shown that the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses the equivalent of its own brain, what they call the heart brain, which interacts and communicates with the head brain.

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Heart- Focused Breathing

Heart-Focused Breathing

167,869 Views = 85

Q. When the HeartMath Institute recommends that I do heart-focused breathing, what exactly is that? You can’t actually breathe with your heart. Right?

A. That’s right. You still breathe with your lungs. Heart-focused breathing is certainly about breathing, as the name implies, but HeartMath places great emphasis on the heart, and years of research says you should, too.

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Heart Intelligence

Heart Intelligence

109,125 Views = 22

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart. It can be activated through self-initiated practice, and the more we pay attention when we sense the heart is speaking to us or guiding us, the greater our ability to access this intelligence and guidance more frequently. Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization and guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems.

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