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In the Media

newSpecial:“Fortifying Our Mental Health In the Time of COVID-19” by Sheva Carr, Robert Browning, Gemma Vestal, Sandra Solano-McGuire.
The COVID-19 pandemic is giving many of us challenges, adversity and stress. We cannot prepare for all stressors, but we can recover from, and adapt in the face of them with enhanced resilience – when we learn to self-regulate our physiological stress response. This article discusses accessing applied heart intelligence using the Quick Coherence® Technique from HeartMath, proven to balance your autonomic nervous system that can give individuals and families a source of self-care through self-regulation from the inside out.

KSBW News: “100,000 Coherent Kids Initiative Teaches Importance of Physical, Emotional and Mental Health”
The HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek has launched the 100,000 Coherent Kids Initiative, an online educational program for children, ages 4-6+. The program teaches children the importance of physical, emotional and mental health. The free online program is available to everyone.

Twin Cities Pride- The Science of Gratitude by Amanda Leaveck
Aristotle thought that the heart was the human being’s most necessary organ. It controls all functions and is central to thought and emotion. HeartMath Institute’s research has shown that the way we experience our emotions has a significant effect on our heart’s changing rhythms. This article shares simple steps you can take to increase your heart coherence.

DVIDS: “Broken Ties that Bind- Fort Knox Officials Address “Season of Suicide” By Eric Pilgrim
Health experts have been unable to discern any concrete pattern for explaining suicide. Reasons vary, yet suicides continue to pose a threat to military health and morale, especially during the summer months. This article offers insights on the issues and steps being taken to help address this concern. Additional resources are available through the HeartMath Institute, Real Warriors-Real Battles, Military OneSource and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

ABS-CBN News: “How a Happy Mind Can Save Your Life” By Robert Labayen
After years of research, we know the body and mind are connected. Scientists at the HeartMath Institute have established that the hearts of people thinking positive thoughts beat more smoothly and regularly than those thinking negative thoughts, which can cause stress and weaken our immune system. This article discusses the power of using positive thoughts and feelings to assist the body with healing and recovery.

Forbes: “How to Eliminate the Negative Chatter in Your Mind and Write a New Script” By Brian Gorman
Negative mind chatter affects us all. It can cloud our sense of well-being and affect our relationships. As research by HeartMath Institute has demonstrated, we are constantly sending out electrical signals that can be felt by those around us. This article discusses ways to “rewrite your scripts” to move into being a healthier, happier self.

NPR: “Family Of American Jailed In Syria Goes Public In An Appeal To Trump”
Majd Kamalmaz is a 61-year-old psychotherapist and US citizen from Arlington, VA. As a pioneer that addressed the mental health crisis among Syrian refugees, Kamalmaz set up a program to help displaced victims deal with stress and trauma using HeartMath methodologies. He is believed to have been jailed in Syria since 2017. His family is making his story public for the first time.

Wall Street Journal: “Seeking Help, Family Breaks Silence on American Missing in Syria”
Syrian-American therapist, Majd Kamalmaz is believed to have been jailed in Syria since 2017. His family is making his story public for the first time. Mr. Kamalmaz is known for his world-wide therapeutic aid work, helping traumatized refugees, incorporating the HeartMath methodology into his work.

Newsweek: “Will These Americans Jailed and Missing in Syria Be Left Behind by Trump’s Retreating Troops?”
American psychotherapist, Majd Kamalmaz is believed to be jailed in Syria since 2017.The family has launched an appeal asking President Trump to help secure his release. A National Security Council spokesperson for the White House reported efforts are being made to attain the release of Kamalmaz and Austin Tice, an American freelance journalist, kidnapped in 2012.

Inc. “Where the Best ‘Aha’ Moments Really Come From” by David Straus
Visionaries think with their hearts, understand why true visionary leadership is dependent on a strong heart-brain. Epiphany emanates from the heart and is fueled by its intuition. True visionary leadership develops inside the heart, not the brain. And it is there for each of us to grasp…we simply need the awareness of how to access it.

GOOP: “Could the Energy of Our Hearts Change the World?”
When we are in a heart-coherent state, our hearts beat at a particular frequency that facilitates gratitude, happiness, and better communication. An in-depth interview with HeartMath Institute’s Rollin McCraty Ph.D., director of research.

Energy Magazine: “The Global Coherence Initiative: The Science of Interconnectivity”
Global Coherence Initiative believes humankind has reached a point in its consciousness that the evolution toward more interconnected, inclusive and cooperative social, economic and cultural systems is accelerating worldwide.

Wnc WOMEN, “Our Hearts, Our Selves”
The heart, according to the HeartMath Institute, is the “master regulator” for the whole body. As goes the heart, so go the nervous system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the immune system, and the brain.

The Huffington Post: “Transforming Stress for Teens”
Today’s teens have a deluge of information filling their brains and it is accelerating their stress. Transforming Stress for Teens speaks directly to today’s teenagers, addressing what’s causing excessive stress and how to combat it.

Library Journal: McCraty, Rollin & others. “Transforming Stress for Teens: The HeartMath Solution for Staying Cool Under Pressure.” New Harbinger. (Instant Help Solutions)
McCraty (director of research, HeartMath Inst.) with a team of other educators aims to help teens manage stress, anxiety, daily emotions, and more. Based primarily on techniques involving emotional regulation skills, the work assists young people in understanding their emotions, listening to their inner voices, communicating with integrity, and developing healthy relationships. VERDICT Recommended for YA collections in high school and public libraries.

LinkedIn: “HeartMath Institute Research, Assessed by Research Quality Metrics and Empirical Evidence” by Tom Beckman
Through a system devised to measure the productivity and impact of a researcher and their organization, this article discusses the findings of the work of the HeartMath Institute Research Center with particular focus on the contributions of Director of Research, Rollin McCraty, PhD. This research has been confirmed by many independent research studies.

Rewire Me: “Institute of HeartMath Helps Our Nation’s Protectors Overcome PTSD”
A special program trains members of the armed services to achieve heart/brain coherence for optimum cognitive performance and emotional well-being.

Rewire Me: “A Boy, His Dog, and Their Heart-to-Heart Connection”
Research has shown that the bond between dog and man can extend to heart patterns and when the bond is strong, their hearts may both be in coherence, a state of smooth, ordered heart-rhythm patterns.

Epoch Times:”How the Heart is Like a ‘Little Brain’: Which is Really in Control?”
This article covers HeartMath’s research as it relates to the Heart Brain. Dr. Rollin McCraty shares some insight on the heart’s intelligence.

Fox 2,Detroit: “7 Amazing Facts About the Heart’s Control of the Brain”
Dr. Joel K. Kahn, M.D., is interviewed on Fox 2 about the heart’s role outside of being a blood pump. Kahn explains how emotions interact with heart function and demonstrates HeartMath’s Inner Balance technology.

Sufism Journal (pp. 34-42): “Science and the Aligned Heart”
In an in-depth Interview with Institute of HeartMath Research Director, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Sufism Journal explores the science, metaphor and literality of heart intelligence.

We Are Change: “HeartMath: The Heart Is More Powerful Than The Brain”
Citing HeartMath research, We Are Change outlines how the heart performs the most influential role in the body.

Healer’s Journal: “How to Ease Your Mind and Tap Into Deep States of Inner Peace”
Healer’s Journal reprints the Institute of HeartMath’s “The State of Ease” booklet. This piece explains how to attain a great state of ease when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It also outlines the Inner-Ease™ Technique.

Science to Sage Magazine (Mar. 2013): “Head-Heart Interactions”
This publication features research from the Institute of HeartMath on the heart’s electromagnetic fields and how they interact with the brain and transfer through touch. “H.E.A.R.T. DVD Helps Combat Veterans” spotlights the HeartMath Education and Resilience Training (H.E.A.R.T) DVD in their military families guide.