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Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action A Live, HeartMath/Global Coherence Online Event Learn More

Emotional Stress, Positive Emotions and Psychophysiological Coherence

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Dana Tomasino

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Until recently stress research and treatment has largely derived from a belief that mental processes alone govern or activate the body’s stress response.

Now the HeartMath Institute’s scientific monograph, Emotional Stress, Positive Emotions, and Psychophysiological Coherence, presents in layman’s terms the latest stress research showing that emotions, more than thoughts, activate the physiological changes comprising the stress response.

This important monograph compiled for the landmark book, Stress in Health and Disease, explains the science and psychophysiology of stress and HeartMath’s simple tools and utilization of positive emotions for permanently managing your stress and breaking the cycle of recurring negative emotional patterns. You’ll learn about the heart’s central role in your emotions and your overall well-being, why certain undesirable emotions seem to come up over and over and how you can stop these “recurring negative emotional patterns.” Besides gaining new understanding of how the heart, brain and rest of your body interact with one another to determine how you think, feel and act, you’ll also learn two important HeartMath energy-regulation tools.

Key Discussion Topics:

  • Breaking the Stress Cycle: The Power of Positive Emotions
  • Positive Emotion-Focused Tools and Techniques
  • The Scientific Basis of the HeartMath Techniques
  • More Than a Pump: The Heart’s Key Role
  • The Physiology of Positive Emotions