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Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action A Live, HeartMath/Global Coherence Online Event Learn More

Research Library

German Version

The Effectiveness of the Heart Intelligence Method in Terms of Resilience and Self‑Efficacy Among Nursing Staff in the Long‑Term Care Sector in the Context of the SARS‑CoV‑2 Pandemic Using the Example of the Care and Care Centre Gloggnitz

[Die Wirksamkeit der Herzintelligenz-Methode hinsichtlich Resilienz und Selbstwirksamkeit bei Pflegemitarbeiter*innen im Langzeitpfle-gebereich im Kontext der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie am Beispiel des Pflege- und Betreuungszentrums Gloggnitz]

    • Published: 2022
    • Regina Bauer
    • Dissertation, Health Care Management, M.Sc., Department of Economics and Health, Danube University Krems, 2022.
    • German
      Download the complete paper, click here.


Healthcare employees are exposed to high levels of work-related stress, particularly those who care for elderly people. This mixed-methods designed study investigates the effectiveness of the HeartMath self-regulation techniques and heart rate variability coherence training in terms of resilience and self-efficacy in the context of the SARS- CoV-2-pandemic. The sample included ten female participants aged 22 to 58. The individual degree of stress was assessed immediately before starting the training with the German questionnaire "Stressverarbeitungsfragebogen SVF 78" (Stress-Process Questionnaire SPQ 78). In order to measure the baseline values of heart coherence, the heart rate variability coherence feedback technology emWAVE Pro was used. The participants were then trained in a three-hour workshop in two techniques by using the heart rate variability biofeedback: the heart-focused breathing and the Quick Cohe- rence technique. At the end of the twelve week observation period, stress levels were determined once again. The final investigation consisted of SPQ 78 and heart rate variability feedback. In order to explore the participants‘ individual stress factors and their subjective experience, qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted. The analysis of the data showed a trend towards improvement. At post assessment all participants had higher heart coherence and an increased level of coherence, with significant increases over the baseline values. The analysis of the questionnaire data confirmed the positive physiological effects. The majority of responses descriptively showed tendencies for improved stress management. Overall, the results suggest that the intervention helped participants cope with stress and increase reslience. Hence, the findings encourage to utilize the HeartMath techniques and the heart rate variability coherence training as part of a strategy for disease prevention and health promotion in healthcare and care facilities in order to improve stress management and resilience.