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Research Library

Structural Changes in Water & DNA Associated with New Physiologically Measurable States

    • Published: 1994
    • Glen Rein, Ph.D., and Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
    • Journal of Scientific Exploration. 1994; 8(3): 438-439.


We have recently defined two new physiological states in terms of their unique electrophysiological characteristics (1). These states are generated using specially designed mental and emotional self-management techniques which involve intentionally quieting the mind, shifting one’s awareness to the heart area and focusing on positive emotions (2, 3). Time-domain and frequency spectral analysis of heart rate variability, pulse transit time and respiration were used as electrophysiological measures of these states. The "entrained state" is characterized by the entrainment of the high and low frequency regions of the HRV power spectra to the 0.1 Hz range. The deeper "internal coherence state" is achieved when the amplitude of the HRV oscillations is reduced approximately 5-fold. Several subjects (LC & SP) could maintain the internal coherence state continuously without interruption (1).

The present study reports on psychokinetic (PK) effects associated with these intentionality states. ECG monitoring was used to demonstrate when the individuals were in the entrained state. At this point a sample of distilled water in a sealed test tube was presented to the subjects. Five individuals were used in this study. Subject LC was used in six repeat trials. The remaining individuals were tested on either one or two occasions. A total of 10 trials (different days) were conducted. While holding a beaker containing the samples, subjects were asked to focus on the samples and intentionally alter their molecular structure for five minutes. In an adjacent room, control samples were aliquoted from the original stock solution into identical test tubes.

Water samples were analyzed by two different methods immediately after treatment. The first technique involved measuring structural changes in the water using a computerized ultraviolet (UV) spectrophotometer with a kinetic program which allows sequential automated measurements (10 seconds apart). Previous experiments indicated that structural changes were most apparent in the 200 nm region of the spectrum (4). The spectrophotometer was programmed to measure the difference in absorbance values between 200 and 204 nm sequentially for a 15-minute time period. The average absorbance value for the 15-minute period was calculated. Negative absorbance values indicate a higher number at 204 nm compared with the value at 200 nm.

The second technique involved studying the ability of the treated water to influence a biological system. Conformational changes in human DNA were chosen as the biological target since previous research indicated that heart-directed intentionality caused bidirectional changes in the conformation of DNA (5). DNA conformation was measured using a UV spectrophotometer from 210 to 310 nm. Increased absorbance at 260 nm is known to be due to denaturation (unwinding) of the two DNA strands. Absorbance measurements were taken before and after adding 20 µl of treated or control water to a 1.0 ml aqueous solution of human placental DNA (20 µg/ml). Three treated samples and three control samples were tested to date. The results are expressed as a percent change in absorbance values at 260 nm.

Results from spectrographic analysis of water samples revealed an overall mean absorbance value of -0.00160 ± 0.0009 for the controls and a mean of +0.0039 ± 0.0044 for the treated samples. Non-parametric statistical analysis using a two-tailed Wilcoxon test revealed a significant difference (z.= -2.8, p < 0.01). The results indicate that treated water shows higher absorbance values at 200 nm compared with controls, which have higher values at 204 nm. These results extend previous findings, which observed characteristic changes in infrared and UV spectra of water exposed to bioenergy from therapeutic practitioners (6, 7). In addition, these studies are the first to measure concomitant physiological changes in ECG associated with such PK effects.

Preliminary results from the DNA experiments indicated that control water caused a mean decrease in absorbance by 0.46% ± 0.36 in contrast to treated water, which caused a 1.35% ± 0.61 decrease. The effect was marginally significant (p < 0.05, one-tailed t test) despite the small n. These results suggest that the water structured in the above experiments facilitates the spontaneous tendency of DNA to rewind (decrease absorbance). These studies are an extension of previous research indicating that water structured with bioenergy alters the growth of plants (8) and mammalian cells in culture (9).


  1. McCraty R, Atkinson M, Tiller WA. 1993. New electrophysiological correlates associated with intentional heart focus. Subtle Energies 4:251-268.
  2. Childre DL. 1994. Freeze Frame: Fast Action Stress Relief. Planetary Publications, Boulder Creek, CA.
  3. Paddison S. 1992. The Hidden Power of the Heart. Planetary Publications, Boulder Creek, CA.
  4. Rein, G. 1992. Storage and biological readability of non-Hertzian information in water. Proc Internat Tesla Symp, Elswick, SR (ed). ITS Pub., Colorado Springs, CO.
  5. Rein G, McCraty R. 1993. Modulation of DNA by coherent heart frequencies. Proc 3rd Ann Conf Internat Soc for Study Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, Monterey, CA, pp. 58-62.
  6. Schwartz SA, De Mattei RJ, Brame EG Jr., Spottiswoode SJP. 1990. Infrared spectra alteration in water proximate to the palms of therapeutic practitioners. Subtle Energies 1:43-72.
  7. Dean D. 1983. An examination of infrared and ultraviolet techniques to test for changes in water following the laying-on-of-hands. Doctoral Dissertation, Saybrook Institute, Univ Microfilms Internat #8408650.
  8. Grad B. 1965. Some biological effects of the laying on of hands. J Am Soc Psych Res 59:95-129.
  9. Rein G. 1991. Utilization of a cell culture bioassay for measuring quantum fields generated from a modified caduceus coil. Proc Intersoc Energy Convers Engineer Conf 4:400-403.