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Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action A Live, HeartMath/Global Coherence Online Event Learn More

Add Heart Podcast

Add Heart Podcast

Care and Connection

Host Deborah Rozman and Guest Claudia Welss

February 16, 2021 Episode #37 Add Heart Podcast Past Episodes

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This thirty-seventh official call is an excellent way to sustain your own personal heart-practices. We also hope it will be a supportive tool for you to offer to your clients, patients and colleagues.

From one perspective it may seem as though the human race is more divided than ever. 2020 was a year of events that amplified racial and political separation. And the global pandemic forced much of the world’s population into physical separation, creating divisiveness and fear. These and other global challenges are awakening many more people to the realization that we finally have to cooperate and care more to find solutions.

During this month’s Add Heart Call, host Deborah Rozman, HeartMath President and CEO, and her guest Claudia Welss, Chairman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, discuss the global movement toward deeper care and connection. They share ways we can each broadcast or radiate love into the energetic field environment to create more care and connection in our personal lives and help the planet at the same time.

They also talk about a growing global initiative that is empowering people to connect with their hearts and the hearts of others—to live more fully from the heart and to add more heart to the world.

They close the event with a heart-focused meditation to add heart to deeper care and connection and to our personal commitments for greater compassion and love.

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What Participants are Saying