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10 HeartMath® PracticesNew! For Reducing the Stress in Pressured Decisions, Choices and Interactions
By HeartMath Institute®
Heart-based exercises and short articles of inspiration to help you move through these challenging times with much less stress, more self-security, and clearer thinking, especially for hard-to-make choices.
Most of us are experiencing heightened reactions to stress triggers along with understandable anxiety from uncertainty. Feeling unable to control the circumstances happening around us has left many of us feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and exhausted.
Genuinely practicing the exercises in this book makes it easier to reduce stress, anxiety and clouded thinking. The articles and exercises can be helpful in encouraging us to increase our care, kindness, compassion, and cooperation with each other.
Table of Contents:
- Creating Hope for the Future
- The Importance of the First Few Minutes of Your Day
- Making Better Choices
- Prep for Desirable Outcomes
- Making Good Use Of "In-Between Time"
- Spot Check
- Worry and Negative Projections Impair Important Decision-Making
- Getting Along With Each Other
- Comments on Pursuing Our Purpose
- Together, We Can Change the World
- Additional Free Resources
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