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Love Unleashed: The Magic of Collective Hearts in Action A Live, HeartMath/Global Coherence Online Event Learn More

Children: Ages 2-6

What children learn before beginning school, especially socioemotional skills, profoundly affects future academic success, relationships and self-image.

HeartMath Institute’s learning programs, tools, games, music and more are specially tailored for this period of young children’s lives. They are suitable for home or classroom use.

HeartMath’s Free Resources for Children Ages 2 to 6

  • Shift and Shine Technique for Ages 3-6:

    Presentation and Audio

    With parental guidance, the Shift and Shine™ Technique can help children develop positive emotions, learn the joyful qualities of the heart and enhance this special time in their lives.

    Click to view or download.

  • Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation in Pre-School Children:

    Free PDF e-Booklet Download

    A comprehensive look at HeartMath’s highly successful Early HeartSmarts® study and pilot program. Children ages 3-6 improved cognitive, sensory, hormonal and information processing systems. Researchers concur learning socio-emotional skills early gives children a great start in life.

    Click to view or download.

  • Helping Children Manage Stress:


    Family, academics, peer pressure and proliferating technology are stressing our youth. Children and those who care for them are managing today’s stressors with habits of the heart.

    Click to watch.

Resources for Those who Love Children

  • HeartMath My Kids!
    HeartMath My Kids!

    Parents, grandparents, teachers and others who love and care for children have an ongoing dialogue on the HeartMath My Kids! Facebook page. Follow the helpful tips and tools, inspiring stories and fun videos. Look for some great giveaways from HeartMath.

    Visit HeartMath My Kids!

  • Educational Research Library

    Our Research Library is filled with resources related to children – like Efficacy of an Emotion Self-regulation Program for Promoting Development in Preschool Children. It explores the importance of children learning early to control emotions to become happy and productive adults.

    Visit the Research Library.

Fun and Instructional Products

  • The Sunshine Secret
    The Sunshine Secret™ e-Learning
    Horizon Interactive Award (Silver)
    Communicators Award (Gold) Communicators Award (Silver) Omni Award (Bronze)

    Winner of Omni Award (Bronze)

    2018 Communicators Award (Gold & Silver)

    2018 Horizon Interactive Award (Silver)

    The Sunshine Secret™ is a new e-learning program for children ages 3-7 that features the wonderful story and transformative adventures of Gloria the glowworm and Leon the chameleon. It is a fun way children learn about their emotions and how to recognize, express and self-regulate their behavior.

    Click to learn more.

  • Wild Ride to the Heart
    Wild Ride to the Heart™ game

    Kids, families, teachers and others love HeartMath’s Wild Ride to the Heart™ game, especially how it makes them feel in their hearts. Amid the fun, kids learn emotional awareness and balance and using their heart intelligence.

    Click to learn more.

  • Heart to Heart
    Heart to Heart – Connecting With Your Child Book

    Loving relationships begin in the heart, where we all connect. This beautifully illustrated booklet has the Shift and Shine science-based technique, which teaches children to move beyond their upsets and family members to listen to each other more deeply.

    Click to learn more.

  • emWave® Technology

    "I want happy back," Gideon once said after bumping his head. His grandmother owned the emWave2 personal stress reliever and gave it to him. He soon mastered it and could get happy back anytime. Kids love its challenging games. You’ll love the energetic change in them – and you!

    Read more, From the Mouths of Babes or learn about the emWave family of products.