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Building Personal Resilience Mentor Certification/Coach Enrichment FAQs

Question: Is the Building Personal Resilience Certification program available outside the U.S.?

Answer: Yes, except in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. If you live in one of these countries, programs are available through HeartMath’s International Alliances.

Question: ¿Este Curso de Certificación también se imparte en español?

Answer: Por supuesto! También ofrecemos nuestra Certificación de Desarrollo de Resiliencia Personal en español. Entendemos la importancia de proporcionar nuestra certificación en varios idiomas para hacerla más accesible e inclusiva para personas de todos los orígenes. Para obtener más información sobre la certificación en español, vista Allí encontrarás todos los detalles sobre el programa y cómo inscribirte. Estamos comprometidos en apoyar tu desarrollo personal y profesional, y estamos encantados de poder ofrecer nuestra certificación en español.

Question: What is Coach or Coaching Enrichment?

Answer: Coach enrichment involves offering extra support, resources, and development opportunities to improve coaches’ skills and effectiveness. HeartMath skills have been adopted worldwide to help coaches facilitate their clients’ goal achievement. In this course, you will be learning how and when to teach your clients practical and effective stress relief and resilience building techniques. You will also learn to create a heart-field environment and increase your intuitive connection to guide your clients with the appropriate approach for each situation.

Question: What support can I expect in developing the business side of my practice?

Answer: After obtaining your certification, you’ll be invited to join our exclusive HeartMath Community of Practice – a supportive, heart-based community created especially for HeartMath Certified Professionals. The CoP is designed to help you build on your training and provide valuable strategies to develop a thriving business, including marketing guidance, continuing education, and templates for engaging sessions with clients. You’ll also be able to forge meaningful connections and collaborations with other heart-based professionals. Along with these benefits, you’ll receive practical perks such as discounts on product purchases and a listing on our Directory of Certified Professionals. The cost for the first year is only $29.50, with an annual fee of $295 thereafter.

Question: What does the Certification Program allow me to do?

Answer: The program provides the training and materials you need to effectively mentor people (individually or in small groups of six or less) in learning and using HeartMath’s resilience-building and energy self-regulation techniques and supportive processes in their day-to-day lives. Those that are already certified as a coach will be able to integrate the skillset into their practice. Both mentors and coaches will be able to teach the Building Personal Resilience content to your clients, patients, peers or students, etc. The certification program also grants you a license that allows you to promote yourself as a; “HeartMath® Certified Mentor”

Question: Are interest free monthly payment plans available?

Answer: In response to many requests, we have made our certification program more affordable and accessible with an interest-free monthly payment plan. You can now spread your payments equally over four months. Our simple and non-binding certification course application makes the process straightforward. We want to assure you that your information is safe with us, and we won’t share it with anyone outside our organization.

Question: Am I required to attend the live monthly Q & A / Best practice sessions?

Answer: TWe understand that everyone has a busy schedule, which is why we have made our monthly sessions optional. However, we highly recommend that you join us. Each one-hour session includes a special guest who is an independent HeartMath Certified Professional. The atmosphere is relaxed and fosters open discussion of the topics that matter most to the participants. For your convenience, each session is recorded so you can catch up at your leisure.

Question: What if I am unable to attend one of the live Zoom-based sessions?

Answer: All classes are recorded and can be accessed for review at your convenience. So that we can track attendance, just review one of the Live Class recordings in the Class folder and complete the associated questionnaire.

Question: Is advanced training available?

Answer: Yes. In addition to the monthly Q&A/Best Practice calls, the Stress and Well-Being Assessment Provider program is the most popular follow on course for those certified in Building Personal Resilience. For those that wish to train large groups in or focus on teams. Click here to view all training options.

Question: Do I need to pay a percentage or royalty to HeartMath on the income I receive from mentoring/coaching individuals in the HeartMath System?

Answer: There is no royalty payment to HeartMath on your income as a HeartMath Certified Mentor or for your use of the HeartMath skillset in your coaching practice.

Question: Do I need to pay an annual fee to maintain my Certified Mentor license?

Answer: The license is evergreen and does not expire. You will have lifetime access to the resources in the Learning Center portal and there is no annual resource fee. To receive extra benefits, including discounts on products, a listing in the Certified Professional Directory, and receive unlimited access to other Certified Professionals within the HeartMath certified community, through a special portal, you will have the opportunity to join the Community of Practice for the first year for $29.50. After your first year, the annual subscription fee is $295.

Question: What’s included in the Certification Program?

Answer: The main content is the Building Personal Resilience (BPR) program, which includes a complete range of core HeartMath tools, techniques and processes. It also includes the research concepts and theories that form the foundation of the BPR program.

Learning takes place via eight live, 60-minute Zoom-based classes, eight hours of self-paced recordings with each weekly 1 hour section presented in 4 to 7 topic-specific modules, Eight hours of mentoring practice, a class member to practice tele-mentoring, and guidance in developing or deepening your personal practice of the heart-based skill set. You also have the option of attending any of our monthly Q&A Best Practice sessions.

Question: Does the certification allow me to teach the BPR content in public classes, workshops or seminars?

Answer: This License is limited to the use of HeartMath’s intellectual property (copyrights, content, techniques, trademarks, etc.) for the mentoring or coaching of individuals or small groups of up to 6 people. Group mentoring or group coaching in this context does not allow for the use of HeartMath content on slides, webinars or social media. The coaching or mentoring must be delivered in real time. This license does not grant permission to present, teach or use HeartMath’s intellectual property in whole or in part in lectures, seminars or workshops without written permission from HeartMath.

Question: Even though I can’t deliver workshops or seminars, can I speak to groups about HeartMath and the services I provide?

Answer: Yes, you can mentor small groups of up to 6 people and you can speak to larger groups as part of your promotional efforts. We hope you will do that and also share your personal experiences and the benefits you and others have gained from the Building Personal Resilience program and HeartMath products. Specific guidelines on how to effectively speak to groups to promote your HeartMath business are addressed during the BPR training.

Question: Do I need to pay a royalty or fee to HeartMath on the income I receive from teaching individuals the Building Personal Resilience program?

Answer: No. There is no obligation for the payment of royalties on income from your use of HeartMath’s intellectual property. While you license is perpetual, After the first year, payment of an Annual Resources and Client Materials fee of $150 allows you access to the Learning Resource Center with materials for your clients, listing on the public HeartMath Certified Directory and access to special discounts on products.

Question: Can I sell HeartMath products to increase my income?

Answer: Yes. Selling books, materials and the emWave or Inner Balance Trainer technologies can be a substantial income generator as well as a way to provide those you are helping with an effective means of increasing their understanding and use of the resilience- and energy-building tools and processes. You will receive discounted prices that range from 20% to 40% below listed prices.

Question: Is there a cancellation policy?

Answer: Once you’ve registered for a series, we are happy to refund the registration fee based on the following schedule:

  1. Before the first live class: Full payment will be refunded, minus a $150 processing fee.
  2. After the first class: Full payment will be refunded minus a $300 fee.
  3. After the second class: Full payment will be refunded minus a $450 fee.
  4. After class three there is no refund.
Note: There is no charge to transfer to a later Building Personal Resilience™ Mentor Certification training.

Question: To apply, or receive more information:

Answer: To apply, click here. To receive more information, E-mail: To call HMI toll free, Telephone: (800) 711-6221.