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Tag Archives: Coherence

Raise your vibration with Appreciation and Compassion two girls blog

Raise Your Vibration With Appreciation and Compassion

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Raise Your Vibration With Appreciation and Compassion

Practicing genuine appreciation and compassion raises our heart’s vibrations.

“When our vibrations are up … we respond to stressful situations with soundness, resilience and clearer discernment. We are less vulnerable to frustration, impatience, anger, anxiety, and we feel more self-secure and less critical of others and of ourselves. We are drawn to notice nature, flowers and trees that we usually sleep-walk past, as our preoccupations rob us of this gift of conscious connection.”

Doc Childre, HeartMath founder
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Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

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Study Looks at Coherence and Feeling States

Researchers at HeartMath Institute and elsewhere have undertaken numerous studies through the years that have demonstrated the ability of HeartMath® tools and technology to help people increase psychophysiological coherence. A recent one was a small study at a South African university in which people attempted to increase their positive feeling states and decrease their negative feeling states.

In a profile of the experience, one of the six participants who volunteered for the study, said: "Doing HeartMath makes me aware of my breathing and helps me to slow it down and breathe more deeply. It also helps me to focus and still my mind from fleeting thoughts and worries."

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Police Officers: In Search of Coherence and Resilience

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Police Officers: In Search of Coherence and Resilience

Editor’s note: Police departments nationwide and abroad face closer scrutiny in the wake of highly publicized officer-involved shootings. This article looks at efforts to study the effects of and implement coherence and resilience training designed to lower stress levels among police officers and improve our communities.

We often hear about the anxious, fearful and angry reactions of people to violent and tragic events, whether it is in their own communities or distant places. This has been especially evident in the last few years as large groups of people have turned their anger, fear and grief on law enforcement in response to police officer-involved shootings.

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If there is one word you should add to your vocabulary today, tomorrow or soon, it is coherence. All the research shows that when you have it, your life can be so much better than when you don’t. Add coherence to your personal lexicon, learn how to achieve it and experience the benefits within yourself and your environment.

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Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health

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It is one of the most talked about human physiological processes today – at research centers like the HeartMath Institute, in hospitals and science labs, and in the offices of educators, corporate leaders and sports managers. It has cropped up in professional journals, popular magazines and doctoral dissertations, and is frequently a featured topic in panel discussions, conferences and soon to be, perhaps, water-cooler conversation.

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Heart- Focused Breathing

Heart-Focused Breathing

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Q. When the HeartMath Institute recommends that I do heart-focused breathing, what exactly is that? You can’t actually breathe with your heart. Right?

A. That’s right. You still breathe with your lungs. Heart-focused breathing is certainly about breathing, as the name implies, but HeartMath places great emphasis on the heart, and years of research says you should, too.

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Resilience Picks You Up, Keeps You Going

Resilience Picks You Up, Keeps You Going

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From childhood through our golden years, we all are bound to experience our share of challenges – mentally, physically and emotionally. Life’s filled with them, and It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor, where we come from or what we believe. Personally or through our relationships, we all are touched by life’s challenges.

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