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Tag Archives: Heart-Focused Breathing

Study Uses Paced Deep Breathing to Measure Dutch Workers' HRV with emWave Pro screen

Study Uses Paced Deep Breathing to Measure Dutch Workers’ HRV

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Study Uses Paced Deep Breathing to Measure Dutch Workers’ HRV

The researchers who conducted a recently published study using a short breathing protocol to measure heart rate variability (HRV) in a large group of Dutch workers say it’s the first of its kind.

"This is the first study," the researchers explained, "to explore a 1-minute paced deep-breathing HRV protocol as an objective screening measure for multiple future health issues in a working population."

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Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulations Emotions Blog

Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions

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Inroads In Trauma Treatment: Self-Regulating Emotions

"The subjective experience of trauma is unique and varies according to the individual and the type of trauma. What does not vary is the fact that trauma often results in a devastating intrusion into a wished for life of peace, calm and well-being along with a corresponding unexpected and undesired fragmented sense of self and of life in general." – Abstract of a research article by Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. and Maria A Zayas Ph.D., published September 2014 in Frontiers in Psychology magazine

There are various schools of trauma therapy, for achieving the "wished-for life of peace, calm and well-being" referred to in the quote. A fast emerging, though not entirely new, approach is training trauma victims how to better self-regulate their thoughts and emotions.

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Heart- Focused Breathing

Heart-Focused Breathing

167,870 Views = 85

Q. When the HeartMath Institute recommends that I do heart-focused breathing, what exactly is that? You can’t actually breathe with your heart. Right?

A. That’s right. You still breathe with your lungs. Heart-focused breathing is certainly about breathing, as the name implies, but HeartMath places great emphasis on the heart, and years of research says you should, too.

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