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Tag Archives: Interconnectedness

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness Blog

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

73,972 Views = 12

“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” –Henry David Thoreau

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

Is it true the physical world we see with our eyes is the essence or nature of reality? For much of human history, this is what scientists and most people around the world have believed. More recently, however, another view of reality has emerged, one the authors of HeartMath’s new e-book, the Science of Interconnectivity, † contrast with the historic view.

“Classical physics conceived of reality as elementary building blocks made up of solid objects, separated by empty space,” the authors explain. “This view continues to be most people’s view of reality, including scientists.”

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Coherence: Bridging Personal, Social and Global Health

14,621 Views = 9

It is one of the most talked about human physiological processes today – at research centers like the HeartMath Institute, in hospitals and science labs, and in the offices of educators, corporate leaders and sports managers. It has cropped up in professional journals, popular magazines and doctoral dissertations, and is frequently a featured topic in panel discussions, conferences and soon to be, perhaps, water-cooler conversation.

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Finding Social and Global Coherence

Finding Social and Global Coherence

16,519 Views = 6

Most people understand that certain people in our lives can have a profound influence on us: our parents, friends, teachers, co-workers, spiritual and world leaders, philanthropists, musicians and artists among others. There are, however, more subtle interactions between us that also affect us.

Whether it is merely someone sitting beside us, or the person who is in a bad mood that turns a conversation or a party sour, we all are having an effect on one another.

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