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Tag Archives: Research

Power of Heart Intention Musical orchestra playing blog

Documentary Explores the Power of Heart Intention in Musical Performance

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Documentary Explores the Power of Heart Intention in Musical Performance

The conductor abruptly waves, signaling the orchestra to stop playing. "People, please," she says, "when you play this piece, try to imagine, feel the emotion this great composer intended. Play each and every note from the heart. Again, from the beginning."

Words to that effect have been uttered by thousands of conductors and music instructors through the centuries. They are not words with which Dr. Kathleen Riley of California would disagree. The concepts they suggest are integral to her unique approach to helping musicians and clients in all professions achieve optimal performance and overcome related anxieties.

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Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

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Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

Why are we so in awe of the old oak and the ancient redwood tree? Why does sitting beneath a spreading sycamore feel like a spiritual experience?

HeartMath’s scientists have focused especially on oak and redwood trees as they seek answers to a number of questions. For instance, given our close relationship to trees through the millennia, can electrical responses in multiple trees correlate to events that trigger huge emotional outpouring in large numbers of people?

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A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness Blog

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

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“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” –Henry David Thoreau

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

Is it true the physical world we see with our eyes is the essence or nature of reality? For much of human history, this is what scientists and most people around the world have believed. More recently, however, another view of reality has emerged, one the authors of HeartMath’s new e-book, the Science of Interconnectivity, † contrast with the historic view.

“Classical physics conceived of reality as elementary building blocks made up of solid objects, separated by empty space,” the authors explain. “This view continues to be most people’s view of reality, including scientists.”

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