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Tag Archives: Social Coherence

Journal Cites, Importance of and Strategies For Social Coherence

Journal Cites, Importance of and Strategies For Social Coherence

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Journal Cites, Importance of and Strategies For Social Coherence

Being out of sorts, or off our game because of Illness or injury, anger or anxiety or when we become stressed out and overwhelmed can cause deterioration in our personal coherence levels. Likewise, dysfunction within a group – large or small – because of animosity, jealousy, judgment or other negative conditions can signal a weakening of social coherence and, ultimately, lead to a group’s success or failure.

"Social coherence," writes HeartMath Institute Director of Research Rollin McCraty, "relates to the harmonious alignment between couples or pairs, family units, small groups, or larger organizations in which a network of relationships exists among individuals who share common interests and objectives." McCraty, one of today’s foremost researchers of coherence and heart rate variability, was writing for the October issue of the journal, Frontiers in Public Health.

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Making Life’s Deepest Connection

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Making Life’s Deepest Connection

When a grandmother opens the door and is surprised to find her grandkids standing on her doorstep, all eyes fill with love and light. It reminds us of the timeless, heartfelt connections possible in human relationships.

When human beings connect in this way, it is a form of what is called social coherence, one of the deepest resonate emotions we can feel.

There are times in each of our lives when we are likely to experience such strong, unconditional connections. It may happen with loved ones, friends or in a meeting at which everyone shares similar interests and objectives. When people, especially groups of people are able to get in sync, or on the same wavelength, everyone who is present feels it.

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