HeartMath Institute’s Press Room
Press Releases
HeartMath issues press releases regularly detailing its research, education and military personnel programs, services, outreach, products and other activities as a public service to the community and professionals who wish to stay informed. Click here.
In the Media
HeartMath’s unique work and success in helping people of all ages increase their energy, resilience and coherence and improve their lives has generated a great deal of press over the years. Here are samples of the magazine, newspaper, professional journal, TV, radio and online coverage of HeartMath. Click here.
Media Contact
Looking for a story? Arrange interviews with someone at HeartMath, speak to its clients or customers, obtain background information, set up product reviews or request a B-roll, photos or other HeartMath-related materials by contacting Gabriella Boehmer, director of public relations, at (831) 338-8710 or gboehmer@heartmath.org
Articles of the Heart Blog
You are welcome to share these evergreen articles written by the HeartMath Institute or inquire about publishing them in whole or part by contacting us at info@heartmath.org.
GCI Commentaries
You are welcome to share the scientific commentaries written by the Global Coherence Initiative or inquire about publishing them in whole or part by contacting us at info@heartmath.org.