Resilience and the Emotional Landscape
From HeartMath
The following article introduces concepts that can help you develop an understanding of how day-to-day stressful events and situations affect your resilience. We will review simple, practical techniques that you can use on-the-spot so you can build the capacity to take charge of yourself and better regulate your energy.
These science-based techniques are designed to give you a coherence advantage which means you can directly affect the way your body’s physiology responds to stressful situations. It means putting yourself in the driver’s seat rather than letting stress reactions dictate how you respond.
Resilience can be thought of as the capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy. When you are resilient, you can not only bounce back and recoup faster after a challenging situation, but you can also neutralize or prevent some of the ongoing wear and tear.
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